My pronouns are:


(Neopronoun “zhe/zher”)

Example usage in sentences:

  • I think zhe is very nice.
  • I met zher recently.
  • Is this zher dog?
  • Zhe told me that the house is zhers.
  • Zhe said zhe would rather do it zherself.


Subject Object Possessive determiner Possessive pronoun Reflexive
zhe /ʒi/ zher /ʒəɹ/ zher /ʒəɹ/ zhers /ʒəɹz/ zherself /ʒəɹˈsɛlf/


Examples from cultural texts:

Neopronoun “zhe/zher” (zhe/zher)

  • Ritch CalvinFeminist Science Fiction and Feminist Epistemology: Four Modes, 2016

    • When zher husband died in 1909, zhe opened the school, but was forced to close it shortly thereafter. Zhe relocated to Calcutta and reopened the school there.
  • Chuck WendigStar Wars: Aftermath: Life Debt, 2016

    • Zhe stands aside as more of zher crew rushes in. From the entranceway come the sounds of yelling, crying, another flash detonator going off. Eleodie hums a song in tune with the universe, hands behind zher back, eyes shut tight. Waiting.

What's the deal with pronouns?

Pronouns are those words that we use instead of calling someone by their name every time we mention them. Most people use “he/him” and “she/her”, so we automatically assume which one to call them based on someone's looks. But it's actually not that simple…

Gender is complicated. Some people “don't look like” their gender. Some prefer being called in a different way from what you'd assume. Some people don't fit into the boxes of “male” or “female” and prefer more neutral language.

This tool lets you share a link to your pronouns, with example sentences, so that you can show people how you like to be called.

Why does it matter? Because of simple human decency. You wouldn't call Ashley “Samantha” just because you like that name more or because “she looks like a Samantha to you”. Or even if she does have the name “Samantha” in her birth certificate but she absolutely hates it and prefers to use “Ashley”. And it's the exact same story with pronouns – if you don't want to be rude towards someone, please address them properly. The only difference is that we usually know names, but not pronouns. We introduce ourselves with a name, but not pronouns. Let's change that!
