
Before you write, check out our FAQ – maybe the answer to your question is already there.

Do you see a bug or have a technical question? Please include your username and as many details as possible in your message (what does the error message say? are you on your phone or a desktop? which browser do you use? what steps can we do to reproduce the issue? can you attach a screenshot or a screen recording? etc.) Please also try disabling extensions that might be breaking the page (eg. ad blockers mistakenly removing something that isn't an ad) and see if that helps.

We're an international team – people who created a specific language version might not be the same people who will read your message. So, if possible, we'd appreciate, if you contacted us in English or Polish.

Want to create a new language version? Awesome! Please check out this manual!

Wanna send us queerphobic hate mail? Just give it up, we're not discussing with trolls. It takes us less time to mute you and put your message in the spam folder than it took you to write it.

Queer Calendar Bot:


Authors of the website

  • The “Neutral Language Council” collective
    We are a queer collective dedicated to assembling, researching, shaping and promoting gender neutral and nonbinary language. We also support actions towards equality and social justice.
  • Paweł Dembowski @ausir
    language, sources
  • Torryn June 🌟 @torrynjune
    German (Deutsch), administration, moderation, terminology, language, support
  • Claudio Nicoli Pannacci @kappanneo
    English, Swedish, Italian (work in progress), Upcoming language versions
  • Lucjan @kaslucji
  • faera ☆ @celestialflowers
    moderation, english
  • アンディ @and.y
    Moderation, Sources, Reports
  • tecc @tecc
    programming, sysadmin, nitpicking
  • Laker T. @laker
    Moderation, Sources
  • Kory @kory_warning
    translation, moderation, administration
  • Diego M. @GreenWithin
    English, Spanish (Español), Design, Translation, Moderation
  • Andrea Vos @andrea
    code, language, blog, project coordination, user support
  • - Juniper @botanicalyhuman
    Moderation, Bans, Terminology
  • Wren @wrac4242
    Moderation, Technical
  • Jacob @Fishmael
    English, Russian, moderation
  • Asher @jerryv
  • Avery (They/Them) @realAvery
    Moderation, Technical
  • Szymon Misiek @szymon
    language, sources
  • Kevin @kevinn
    moderation, technical
  • Thomas Vos @T_Vos
    Project manager, User support, social media, English, Polish
  • Benjamin @therealbenpai
    Moderation, Development, Community Programs, Support Services

Contribute is a collaborative, public-source project created by volunteers. You can add your contribution too! Here's some areas where we'd appreciate your help. Active contributors will be invited to join our team.

Add entries

Many sections of the website (nouns, queer terminology, inclusive dictionary…) have an option to add and edit entries. If you think something's missing or incorrect, don't hesitate to submit your entry.

Create a new language version

Instructions for creating a new language version are available here. Before starting, please contact us to coordinate with others that might be working on it too.

Add or correct translations

A translation string in an existing language version is missing or incorrect? Click on “Propose translations” in the footer and follow instructions.

Submit a pull request

Technical tasks are managed on this kanban board. Just pick an unassigned task from the “To Do” column, assign it to yourself and start working on it. Don't hesitate to ask questions.

Our mission

We fight for freedom, respect and inclusivity in language.

  • Freedom – so that everyone can use for themselves whatever pronouns they feel describe them best.
  • Respect – so that other people's pronouns are respected.
  • Inclusivity – so that when we're referring to a person we don't know or a group of people, we don't assume their gender and don't exclude them for any reason.